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For a long time, it was not difficult for any individual in Holstebro Denmark to buy anabolic steroids, according to the owner and CEO Björn Lundgren. But the law changed in February 2013, the year after Lundgren's wife died, and then again this January when the state agency fined the owner a total of $7, best sarms and peptides.7m for fraud, best sarms and peptides. It also came to light that in December 2012, the Swedish Association of Steroid Manufacturers and Suppliers was fined $200,000 for importing and exporting steroids into Denmark, buy sarms denmark. The state agency says it is illegal for any licensed producer to bring them in from out of country. The owners of the four Danish pharmacies and at least six others involved in the sales of illegal steroids to Denmark could now face 10 years in prison and a fine of up to 5m kroner (about £2, best sarms for diabetics.6m), according to the agency, best sarms for diabetics. Many of those charged are elderly people who were addicted to steroids for decades, said Lundgren. "They are basically old people," he said, best sarms cycle for mass. His company says it has worked with the authorities and is making adjustments in order to be more in compliance with the law. However, there is a grey area. "Our own lawyers are still looking at how to proceed with the case," said Lundgren, best sarms for over 50. The Danish Health Inspectorate told The Local at the time of the announcement that more than 80 companies and individuals had been convicted for illegally importing over 100 drugs from out of country, best sarms guide. "These cases are just a drop in the ocean," said Lundgren. "We have to keep in mind that the problem is not the manufacturers or distributors but the buyers who try to sell these drugs, sarms denmark buy."
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